
He was so good in Equivocation. One of the best new plays I've seen in the past 10 years.

Another bad thing we can blame The Dark Knight for, as well as for being a muddled piece of crap film except for Health Ledger's performance.

Just finished Season 3. Episodes 1-10 were like a plot train without a locomotive. Lots of wasted time and the ratio of mistakes to successes was about 20:1 for the Underwoods.

While writhing on the floor.

Exactly. Gilbert Grape was the peak of his acting career, in terms of talent.

I agree. He wouldn't make my top 100 list of best living actors.

This sounds like the worst parts of The Wolf of Wall Street stretched to cover an entire film.

Sounds like a game full of uninteresting choices. Pass.

Elysium was so awful that it needed to be apologized for.

I thought the same thing. ANY rewrite job is better than working at McDonald's.

I felt the same way, even though I realize it's probably unfair. I can't separate him from that character.

It took me a season or two to realize that his character has zero redeeming qualities and is simply an asshole 24/7. That did not make me like the show more or him more, nor is it funny.

That was unexpectedly enjoyable to watch.

GOTM - He's just not that into you.

They can't say it, but the key was getting rid of Ann. Replacing that void with more Donna, Jerry and crew made the show so much better.

I don't think they're impenetrable, I just think most people haven't heard them. But if you have, they're pretty great.

Good advice on the therapist, but usually people that age (and much older) are terrified to see a therapist. Still, I hope she does.

Put the auto-whisk down! You still have so much to live for!

I don't think Lucy Liu would agree

Ohhhhh "Brrrreeet"