
Weston Price is rolling in his grave…lugubriously.

Zapruder strikes again!

"That asshole Ed Norton just played "gherkins". If I don't get a "z" on my next draw it's over.

It's pretty easy. Have the refs review the footballs 2.5 hours before the game…then let 2 pounds of air pressure out of each football after the ref review when they are back in the team's possession.

Doing things that are illegal is not "pushing the envelope".

This would have been much cooler if you had actually done some real testing instead of making lame jokes.

I kind of like him.

I always go with whatever my real choice is. I'm playing games like that for the narrative I'm creating, not just to win.

Am I the only person who assumed this has had already happened and was surprised to see it happening now?

I really enjoyed reading about their prototyping process. I knew there were several pitches and rewrites but I didn't realize they kept tweaking it up until a month before it airs.

Oof. I quite enjoy Settlers of Catan, but I really don't understand how Ticket to Ride is a popular as it is. While playing it I kept thinking "This is it?!"

Am I the only person who likes S-K despite Corin Tucker's vocals?

How could Grand Budapest Hotel get nominated for best picture?!?

If there was ever a case where ellipses were important…this is it.

After "Me and You and Everyone We Know" I'm willing to try any work of art she creates. I thought that film was sublime.

Sorry, sounds like we are more in agreement than I realized. And you have responded very civilly to my less than civil post.

Thank you, Ellsworth. You made my point quite well.

Divinity:OS on my Mac for intense hours and hours fun or Cards&Castles on my iPad for an MtG battle fix now and then.

I tried Hearthstone, but it seemed too simple for an MtG fan like myself. I have been playing alot of Cards&Castles on my iPad though. Kind of MtG but with spacial elements as you attack on a grid.

When they have to order that much fabric, there are no refunds.