
Place your bet on psychopath, not sociopath. Cosby enjoys crowds and attention far too much to be a sociopath.

That's because he is a genuine monster. And monsters like that show their true colors all the time. They can't be someone they're not 24 hours a day.

If someone uses the phrase "innocent until proven guilty", I place them in the same mental category as folks who use the term "hater". Neither have any argument to make and they're both likely protecting someone who deserves punishment.

I was ready to forgive Canada and stop blaming them…but then they went and gave him a standing ovation.

Please don't compare something as great as The Wire to some 400 year old crap that senior, white audiences at the theater think is legendary.

How my hair look, Mike?

Love the focus on the graphics. More articles like this please.

So, KISS is fronted by a nice old, Jewish mother from New York?

You're missing the point, Archmage. It isn't that the acting and dialogue were fantastic in Guardians, it's how poor they are in Star Wars. It's a fairly low hurdle to cross.

I saw Star Wars the remastered version in a theater maybe 15 years ago and I was sorely disappointed. Ugh. It really doesn't hold up. Clunky edits, bad acting, stiff dialogue. I was shocked at how bad it was, when I enjoyed it so much as a kid.

I've been looking forward to seeing Snowpiercer for months…but then you mentioned Alison Pill and I stopped in my tracks.

"The Grand Budapest Hotel" should have been someone's overrated pick. It's so mediocre as Wes Anderson films go.

Continuing to play Divinity:Original Sin. I'm only 20 hours in, but I'm enjoying it more than any other RPG I've played in the last 20 years. The combat system is so tactically interesting.

The Grand Budapest Hotel at #1?!?

Divinity:Original Sin came out for the Mac last week. Really enjoying it, gonna get in deep this weekend.

Taylor Swift is a whiny princess of a singer. If her struggle for self-esteem is of interest to someone they're looking at the wrong people for inspiration.

St. Vincent? Blech. She's the Taylor Swift of indie rock.

Sorry, I'm still at the snow fort. I've been here for 4 years. Nothing is happening. Wait…no, nothing.

That's because Inception is a poorly constructed film.

Seeing those characters tip toe about and peek around corners to "All Along The Watchtower" was the end for me. It was so gawdawful cheesy and showed a clear lack of taste or discernment. There is no coming back from that.