
If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

Now playing

I’m not fucking with some one who has the cajones to do this

Yeah, the Aaron Hernandez story is a sad one.

I don’t see what all the Führer is about. Fans have a Reich to free speech.

He was only down there for a few seconds, but his recording device recorded 18 hours of static.

Still can’t believe the Knicks signed the forklift to a max contract. 

Tell that to the second half of last year’s national title game.

Jon Jay Ironically Denied Justice

All of those are professional degrees, not academic. In order to join the elite universities in the US, academic disciplines come first. Harvard has the best business school and law school, but it ranks at the top in all of the stuff where one has to think. And, a masters in PR? Lemme guess: you had to do a project at

The state and the university could use WAY more money, however, there is a separate budget for athletics from donors. And I can’t imagine that same budget would’ve existed for the university at large. Welcome to Alabama.

I can’t wait tilde next time they meet

To be honest the officers handled it properly.  The boy’s relatives couldn’t hold him back and, yes he’s only 10, but that force when you’re not prepared can knock you over.  The officer didn’t scream at him afterwards, but tried to calm the situation down.  That said, if the person in question is being arrested, but

Tiger can commiserate with someone hit by Tiger Wood’s golf equipment.

So we’re at a point in society where you need consent to play games the way you want.

It was just one Filipino player brawling at first, but then the rest decided to Tagalo(n)g.

I believe this time, it was... Busch-league nonsense.

One person with a gun would have stopped it before anyone got hurt. 

Hey at least the acronym would be SOB...

It’s funny how the narrative is that the one side of the draw is somehow easier than the other. The round of 16 is tougher in England’s side and the quarter-finals is “easier” so its a wash. Five thirty-five basically says the same thing. In other words there is a miniscule difference between brackets.

As anyone who’s been to Xi’an knows, the Chinese have owned Warriors of Klay for thousands of years.