I didn’t know Young Republicans read Deadspin.
nothing like a dick joke on a post about high school girls. Feel proud.
Then check out a close-up of the most important part
“This isn’t the me I want to die on,” said Jemele.
Damn, how much more burning can California take?
He looks more like a Kyle to me.
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
Sad story but when ranking climbs, I still think the most famous climb involving a Kennedy was when Jackie climbed onto the back of the limo in Dallas back in ‘63.
I want to be so jazzed by this, but the annual Clayton Kershaw 7th inning postseason meltdown got me feeling like that suicide montage from “Groundhog Day”
Ahmet then threatened to mow the fucking lawn, take out the goddamn trash, and to remember to not be an asshole and leave the fucking toilet seat up. The other rival manager nodded his head and agreed to the deal.
How was a single one of them not in charge of her side of this deal? It’s not as if he kidnapped them. I’m not eating lobster in a sperm-fected jacuzzi for a variety of reasons, much less with sex toys attached. Don’t blame Hef. Blame the chicks that signed on to that madness.
One of my favorite lines from No Country for Old Men is when Woody Harrelson’s character asks Josh Brolin’s character for the $2 million.
You accidentally wrote “room” instead of “cardboard box next to a park drinking fountain”.
When asked how they felt about the allegations, a number of shocked Alabama fans replied, “Wait, this school has a basketball team, too?”
Questioned about the incident, Maccarty says he felt no remoras.
I used to do some family law but after I year I swore off on it, and since then practiced criminal law exclusively.
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
Better idea: