How many more times would you have made this comment if you had spent the first ten years of your career commenting on subpar websites?
How many more times would you have made this comment if you had spent the first ten years of your career commenting on subpar websites?
Right up there is black protesters looting minority owned businesses to protest police brutality from police force that’s mostly black. Ignorance has no race.
So, because you weren’t able to get the impending financial ruin thing to stick, you are going to go with the race angle based on the position of a random professor from Marian University?
Historically LA in general has been bad for poor black people.
Like some sort of ban?
Always that one douche that has to bring trump and politics into it. Umpire blows for doing that to him. But for everyone’s sake you should be ejected from life
Worst. Documentary. Ever.
Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts
Barber: What you want?
Larry Nance Jr: Make me look like a 2K default player
Barber: Say no more fam
The bat flips from Jays players are getting more and more disrespectful.
So this will be the second time he’s portrayed a blind guy.
Big deal. There wasn’t even a wrecked Volkswagen in his way.
Can’t wait for the follow up on how the rising cost of education needs to be reigned in. I’m curious how these pay raises will be reflected in tuition and budgetary management.
“Mamba mentality”
OH CAN WE FUCKING NOT? He’s retired, Lonzo - no need to pretend that his self-given “nickname” is operative anymore.
UPDATE: The water park has decided to let it slide
What my intention is and your reception of what I write may often miss the mark. I’m not going to be angry with you if you don’t get what I write.
Coaches were at a loss to explain whose fault the play was, since the players are all nice boys from good families.
This is what happens when you stand between Blake Griffin and the clothes hamper.