
@hercules_100_98: Lots of folks in the noise scene do things like this already, often with found tape reels or concrete sound. When you get involved enough to have a finished idea in mind, versus slowing a random song and going "that's awesome" things can get pretty interesting.

I was pumped on the Arc Mouse and when I needed to buy a new mouse for my laptop I went out to Micro Center full of excitement at my new cool purchase only to see that it has a huge USB dongle. How can they possibly advertise this as a mobile solution and not have one of the micro sized dongles.

@pixelsnader: I don't know the technical details but from my endless trials hacking cameras I believe there is a bottleneck in actually getting the information to and from the cards. The card may be able to write that fast if made out of this technology but unless you attach it directly to the board somehow we don't

Google Apps at Northeastern. It gets forwarded to my normal address anyway, but if it was my only email I'd be doing pretty alright.

This is working waaaay faster on my Droid than in the video. I stop speaking and less than a second later I get a wonderful beep and it knows exactly what I want.

@m57: A big difference is that the iPhone name was owned by someone but I don't believe was ever used. If it was used the name was at least not common knowledge. If the rumored name for this new product was "the BBC" what kind of reaction would you have?

I still use VLC because it's the only way I can get enough volume out of my Macbook. Anyone know a different way to turn the system volume up past 100%?

@cdimarzio: I just moved from Allston to Salem and I spend less time taking the Commuter Rail than I ever did on those terrible Green Line trolleys. This will be especially nice in a few weeks when Boston University is back.

After years of hanging my million guitars all over the place I came up with the great solution of a small piece of strong twice around the headstock under the strings just above the nut to attach to a simple hook in the wall. A few pennies, hangs straight, no chance of falling that I can imagine, and a piece of black

@Michai: If it's the same guy, there was a show on one of the Discovery type channels about him and how he learned Icelandic in something like a week or a month and then went on a talk show in Iceland. Crazy.

@Michai: This is way way short of the record for reciting Pi. It's something like 100,000 digits in 16 hours.

@Arken: My guess would be they don't make glasses out of it because it's relatively new and comparatively expensive and would require the implementation of an entirely different manufacturing process. Unless Gorilla Glass can be made by the same machines currently making the untold amounts of stemware we use and break

@achillesthemycene: I wouldn't even be so sure the price is entirely driven by potential profit. At this point I would call Ansel Adams work cultural significant and wouldn't be one bit surprised for museums or private collectors to pay ridiculous amounts for them.

@johnnyabnormal: The issue with baking is that changing quantities by amounts immeasurable by our own senses can yield wildly different results. If you are making a loaf of bread this isn't much of a concern, but if you are making any number of more complicated baked goods varying the quantity of say baking soda by a

@Slinkytech: They also have patents over some parts and processes. I would never have bought a Macbook if it wasn't for the huge buttonless trackpad. I just figured it was a patent issue stopping anyone else from making them cause literally nobody else makes them. Unless I should have looked harder.

@Benjamin Urquidez: and none of the stuff you film that you probably won't be able to edit and that nobody can see will look as good as it would with a non 3D camera at the same price.

@johnnyabnormal: and anyone who bakes without a scale isn't getting a lot made.

@The Albatross: I consider myself someone who actively enjoys sitting down and listening to music more than I do an audiophile since I have no crazy desires to obtain more things. However, the first thing I did when I moved into this apartment was find the best spot to place my speakers and and my chair that fits me

This diagram is immediately discredited for, not only describing a cappuccino and a latte incorrectly, but not even adhering to its own premise. When giving ratios to explain something you can not ignore ratios at your discretion, presumably because you don't know them.

@supergeek13579: This ignores a given piece of equipment's ability to reproduce the frequencies. I can bump sub bass frequencies all day but doesn't mean my monitors are physically capable of producing those frequencies. Ideally, though it certainly isn't always the case, producing exactly what an artist recorded is