
I wonder about the argument made that about tax dollars funding their initial research. Where does this end?

@Masai Andrews: And we are always trying to make cars and rodes safer so that they cause less injuries, just as we should be making our food healthier. Nobody is saying to stop using cars, but I'm sure you can agree we should stop using unsafe cars.

@JSharke: And that a lot of that "better" food at Whole Foods costs more to market and is just as unsustainable to produce. I'm glad you're healthy and happy, and I think our eating habits DO need to change, but I don't think Whole Foods is the way to do it and the attitude won't help either.

@Dodge2002: Cold does actually dampen flavors and things do actually taste different at different temperatures.

3 ounces of whole milk can be turned into enough perfect foam for a 12 ounce cappuccino. That's a lot of stretch on the milk. Skim milk might, and I stress might, make more foam as you cannot create bubbles as small as what you can with whole milk. But you want to create the smallest bubbles possible. And to stretch

I love these things. We had a produced come up from DC to work in our studio and he brought his pair cause ours are out of service.

Last year for bringing to campus (cause I don't live in a dorm) I used a netbook running Ubuntu that booted into Google Docs locked to one desktop and a blank browser page locked to another. Couldn't move them, switched with keyboard commands, notes synced (obviously), bookmarks synced, and if I needed to do anything

I tried hiding my SSID and it popped up in my list on Ubuntu anyway. Once I saw that I realized it was pretty useless as far as security and just made my life slightly more difficult otherwise.

The first half of the knot is already done.

If it isn't obvious, OkCupid strikes me as an incredibly flawed group to sample from for this kind of analysis. Everything said on here is colored by the hope that what you write will appeal to the opposite sex and, as I'm sure anyone who's dated from this site knows, is almost always dishonest to a point. This

@englishman: They do, actually. 00 is a size.

@Phatric: The pantheon of classic albums as well.

Just last night I finished mastering an album, gave it to all the people who were supposed to hear and give feedback, and had more than one person say "why is the first track so loud?" They all were using Sound Check in iTunes, the track was quieter than the rest on purpose, and Sound Check bumped it up to the same

@HashMaster9000: They have an option now to manually look up the movie which so far has worked for me every time they haven't located it automatically. If you click the file there is an option that says "Wrong Video?" which when clicked lets you put in a search term and then choose from the options it finds.

What was so bad about the other walls that the desk HAD to go there? This room doesn't seem nearly as small as I was lead to believe. Though I still might have done exactly the same thing cause it's pretty great.

@nitrous9200: I have 2 pals in Boston who run recording studios and 1 who runs a mastering studio and not a single Mac. The pro world doesn't get sold as easily by aesthetics and what others have, they tend to just use the right tool (which is often still a Mac).

For a year I used, and actually loved, one of those tiny black wire shelving units. Monitor sat on top, keyboard sat directly under it on the one shelf, computer sat to the right with the mouse on top of it, and I sat on a small stool. Kept me from getting too comfortable. It was laptop on my small dining table after

@juansmith: Like the fact that you can't even see your preview full screen in Premiere Pro unless it has it's own monitor.

I've been saying it for the past 6 months, but living alone (and nowhere near Boston even though I go to school there) is the best thing I've ever done. Not that there's anything wrong with being 18 and on your own for the first time, I'm just 25 now and don't need it throwing up on my steps twice a week.

@jglavin: You kept a 508 number on purpose? Here in 617 you'd get a screen for sure :)