Never been to NYC, but want to go, and want to see Times Square. Even (especially?) knowing it’s a cultural train wreck. For better or worse, it’s an iconic bit of Americana.
Never been to NYC, but want to go, and want to see Times Square. Even (especially?) knowing it’s a cultural train wreck. For better or worse, it’s an iconic bit of Americana.
I’m not arguing that. It sucks. You can tell that it sucks after going only once. But it’s really the kind of “sucks” that I think has to be properly experienced to be believed, to be felt rather than just going on the word of Internet randos (or even trusted friends and family).
I dunno about “never visit Times Square.”
Too bad. I’d out of respect and being grateful give someone a$20 for doing this.
Spot on! This equal portions of jam and PB nonsense has got to stop. My peanut butter walls are like and inch tall by the time I am done
That’s because you’ve already paid the fee assuming you pay taxes.
Children’s car seats are complicated. Their mechanisms can get clogged by a Cheerio; they’re hard to fit in the back…
Exactly. If someone says “my dog’s not really friendly/doesn’t like strangers/might bite/etc.”, why would anyone else think “oh, they don’t know what they’re talking about”? If someone tells me not to pet their dog, I tend to take them at their word......
LL changed its official rules in the past few years to include the un-caught 3d strike for as young as Majors. They also introduced “Intermediate” (played on a 50/70 diamond with open running) to help slow the departure of players to travel ball/PONY/Babe Ruth who want to play under “real” rules. There are a lot of…
This game is great actually, though. Speedrunning aside.
It’s your fault you’re eating the sub upside down. :)
I just spent 10 months bouncing around Europe with just carry on luggage, including a small backpack crammed with all the electronics I need to run my transcription business from the road, including my laptop. Am I glad I just barely missed this current window of insanity. My entire life is on my electronic devices.…
Or you can just add some lemon juice to the guacamole. Mine never turns brown.
Avocado-themed single-use utensils are almost always nonsense.
The key to using the knife technique on the avocado pit is to *twist* the knife once it’s in the pit. This will free the pit from being stuck and it will come out much much easier. Also, don’t go get one of those “avocado scooper” things - I have one that I never use because it doesn’t remove the pit, takes longer to…
Even when I am the opposite of constipated I take longer than that. Although, part of that time is sitting there making sure round 2 isn’t stealthily waiting for me to pull up my pants.
I suspect that’s often a question of money. For those on low incomes, one common method of still being able to afford fresh food is buying in bulk from markets etc.
Wtf? East Chicago is basically Gary.