
I understand that to be the case, but I also think that by pushing, even if just this tiny bit, for inclusivity everywhere, we are just turning a blind eye to the problem. With that logic, we would still let other nations decimate their citizens just because they don’t agree with the government.

The pic is a selfie of a kid. Could be an August 8th B-Day.

I had a coworker that brought her office stuff in a milk crate and then promptly put it under her desk as a foot rest. If it’s the right height, it’s probably easier to come by than an adjustable stool.

Which is why you should watch the video and learn how to do it BEFORE you need to use it. Many of the things that she spent time focusing on will be achieved in an instant, but if done incorrectly will cause the entire process to not work.

I think the point is not to do that forever, but if you are designing the character and you know that question will be asked, you will learn to think about that in design and weigh the pros and cons of each decision. After a designer is doing that with natural genders, the concept artist will start asking what if the

I would think hitting the scarf would stop the healing mist for a short period of time, but can’t see how it would damage her.

I meant within the same terminal, but if you are going to go to another terminal, then yes make sure they are connected.

Even if you are a Bernie fan, I have to agree with you here. It pisses me off when people act like children and abstain from voting because their candidate lost the primary. A no vote is saying you can’t make up your damn mind and you should probably just GTFO.

I don’t think you understand that the primaries are not at all part of the national election. They are run by the individual parties to select candidates for the national election. So, why do you think it would make sense to let people that are not part of your party vote in your primary?

It may also just be your ability to determine a difference in pitch at a low range.

I would also add, knowing if the airport has multiple security checkpoints. If so, be willing to go to a different security checkpoint that may have a shorter line. Sometimes the TSA person at the start of a line will let you know, but you have to be willing to do some walking to the other end of the terminal to save

Wouldn’t be able to fly over water the same way though.

If the cyborg, without an ethnicity, were built in the US but looked Japanese, would we still call it Motoko Kusanagi? Probably not.

Same thing happens in Dallas, but I feel like I’m doing well even though I see Lambos and Maseratis and the occasional Lotus. I think part of it is realizing that people can maintain those expensive cars when you live in good weather. When I used to live in Chicago, I didn’t see them as often, but those same people

Terrible advice. Without credit cards, it’s harder to build credit. Without credit, society has no reason to trust you. Without trust, society has no choice but to charge you more to avoid loss.

Great, so now there is a stressful game to reinforce the smoking habit.

So, if you applied this same logic to safe manufacturers, the FBI could ask a company to exhaust their efforts to break into their product that was created and tested until they themselves were unable to break into it. Then, they would be required to do so without compromising the integrity of what is stored inside?

I think they mean as opposed to plastic or some other inorganic material meant to look like wood.

I wonder if it would look better with a bit of gloss or stain to take away the shit texture that you can see.

The Gulf of Mexico is not an ocean.