
What I have found is that you should try to keep your hands from meeting in front of you. So, when you type, the angle your arms have to go into makes it easier to hunch/harder to sit up correctly. So, short of buying a split keyboard, when you are not typing, try to separate your hands as much as you can.

Thank everything dating based on the shows that single people binge is not a real thing. That would lead to some really depressing couples. Don’t get me wrong, it any platform were to do it, Hulu makes the most sense, but that’s just because if it were on Netflix, people would get paired with A) Those that watch

I say go ahead and call her a moron. Intelligence is not just knowing things, but also thinking before you speak/act.

I immediately went to Hugh Jackman in Swordfish over Neo. Now we just need a topless Halle Berry somewhere in the pics.

I think he needs to mix it up with the monitor orientation. What is the point of 5 horizontal monitors.

I’ve always found that the best of 3 coin flip method works well too.

The only problem with this is that most outlets are very close to the ground, kitchen/bathroom excluded, and not close enough to surfaces, at least in my home, to save me from putting my phone on the ground. It’s almost easier/more practical to just add these to extension cords.

I think the big issue here is that the correct response when someone is tailgating you, EXCEPT IN STATES WITH OPEN CARRY LAWS, is to match the speed of the car next to you.

Then I guess you missed the fact that the majority of money in the city comes from old oil money (A.k.a. The most conservative people in the country.) Austin is by far the most liberal city in the state, but all major cities in Texas and every other city in the country will have a large liberal population.

He probably just needs to switch up the leg exercises he is doing. After about 2 weeks, give or take, our bodies get used to certain exercises and try to prevent the damage done (A.k.a. microtears).

The best method I have heard of is to use a base password and where you would normally put numbers, count a certain number of characters in the URL and put that character instead. It means that if you are hacked by a computer, you will only get one account hacked. If you are hacked by a person, it’s still more

I go through an agent for my insurance, but he told me that people who get minimum coverage also pay more because they are thought of as less responsible. Because I had a slightly higher insurance policy with my parents, it was cheaper for me to stay with the same level of insurance than to drop to a lower one. I also

Does reading a Kindle count as screen time since the screen is not backlit?

Wait, there is no loss of citizens or automatic war upon meeting other civs?

It’s not so much of a board game, but something good to get people to sit down and join in before you switch to the game you want to play is Bananagrams. It’s really easy to learn, everyone plays at once, and it can get highly competitive.

I agree, and if you are busy worrying about if you are working for free one day out of ~250 days in any given year, you are probably not putting enough effort into those other 249 days. When all’s said and done, you are probably getting overpaid in 3/4 if not 4/4 years anyway.

Kristin, I apologize that this has nothing to do with this article, but you are constantly putting up helpful articles, so I thought you might be able to be helpful here too. Do you know why Lifehacker other Kinja sites have recently started putting up ads that have the audio on by default? I have never minded the ads

Sounds like someone is salty as hell. My team didn’t win either, but damn. We know it wasn’t a particularly exciting game, but that’s sports. Not every contest is exciting. You remind me of the “UFC fans” that get mad when it goes to the ground or the NBA fans that cry when an offensive foul is called.

Can I just say, to everyone that has a specific example of a dealer doing this to report them to the BBB. That’s what it is there for. Even if you don’t get your money back, at least it will make it more difficult for them to continue to get away with it.