It really is one of the better movies I’ve seen this summer. Anything that can make my black heart feel something is worth a go.
It really is one of the better movies I’ve seen this summer. Anything that can make my black heart feel something is worth a go.
I’m weirdly ok with this.
So for anyone in the know about PS4.5.
Sounds like we need to start deputizing Pokemon trainers.
I was fully expecting a new game to be announced for the 25th anniversary. Have there been any rumors floating around?
Any word on when Super is getting dubbed?
This makes me really upset. FMA is one of the few anime properties that would translate best to western audiences. It’s set in a quasi-WWII environment and most of the characters are very obviously influenced by Europeans. You’ve also got Asian representation as well from the likes of Mustang and the Xingese. Not to…
No actually. Vic is a friend of mine. The two of them just bought a house about 30 minutes outside Salt Lake City. Getting married next month I believe.
Any idea where I could find that?
Pics or it didn’t happen
Dat got real bruh
To everyone commenting that I should “grow up” or that me not being crazy about full-frontal nudity is odd, let me explain.
It’s like they know me.
I’m seriously hoping we get a montage soon of all the upset parents blaming the movie industry for exposing their kids to X-rated stuff in Deadpool. It needs to happen.
Are all the rumors about Reynolds’ lil’ Deadpool on full display true or exaggerated?
At risk of sounding like the biggest sissy/buzzkill here, how gratuitous was the sex/nudity throughout the movie? That’s the one thing I really don’t do well with and after seeing a few content guides online, it sounds like it’s just crazy full-frontal. And personally, I don’t think any of that belongs in a Deadpool…
The internet is only capable of praising Miles Morales. To do otherwise is the ultimate taboo. Trust me I know.
I just want someone to hold me.
I remember Nomura and Kitase both saying something along the lines of wanting to make it look real, but not so real that it still can’t be a bit unbelievable. So hyper-realism would be a no, but it’s probably going to seem that way.