
The Eagles wrote some good ass songs. People also need to let go of the idea that the best selling album is the best album.

Not the point but Drunk History is the beeeessst.

I like to think that he’s just some rando who has never heard of something like this happening before.

Couldn’t you then use the Fire salt to season slices of meat in the dehydrator and make Taco Bell jerky?

I don’t know if I’m having serious reading comprehension malfunction, but who is Rafael Abreu in this story? 

This dude is jockeying for a post-career TNT Inside the NBA regular feature he will call “McCollum Like I See ‘Em.”

Mitch Hedlund of the nonprofit Recycle Across America

Age disparities are totally okay except when one of the ages involved is a teen. Thats when things get a little wonky.

It’s like that old cliche - Your bathroom never smells if you shit in your neighbor’s toilet.

But what’s trending in fashion isn’t important to somebody who’s clearly that comfortable being himself, in his own flashy idiom.... And he seems to have such a great time being himself, I can’t imagine telling him to change his style.

Burneko demoted me. 

Unfortunately the price of lobster doesn’t have much to do with the Price of Lobster. The animal itself isn’t the biggest factor in the price. It’s a weird quirk in economics and supply/demand... some summers there’s an oversupply of lobsters, you can buy them on the dock for pennies, but the price at the

Nothing is wrong with X + Y movies templates. I mean, Predator is just Aliens + Rambo and Terminator is 80s Slasher Film + [insert evil robot] and both of those are awesome, and I stand by Avatar being awesome. Dances with Wolves is a good flick, but adding mecha suits with giant mecha knives fighting giant dragon-y

A group of my friends were asked to leave a Wheel of Fortune taping because every time a contestant guessed a letter all five of us would yell in agreement at the top of our lungs; “Woooooo!! Letter “G” GO LETTER “G”!!!!!”

You’re going to like the way you shit. I guarantee it.

I would secure a flat bench somewhere else in the gym, like one over by the dumbbell racks (drop your bag or some weights on it) then approach them and ask to switch. Say hey there aren’t any open bench press stations and I’m done with that bench over there, if you guys are just using the bench but not the barbell do

He’s not much of a starchman, that’s for sure. 

Shake Shack in Dubai. Usually I’m coming back from India and from family imposed vegetarianism and alcohol prohibition. A beer and a burger with bacon is bliss after that.

My wife and I have had this conversation. He crawls around the ground and pretends to be a Komodo dragon. He bit his cousin and said she was a water buffalo.