Chris...don’t you make me like you.
Chris...don’t you make me like you.
“The year before that they was wearing trash bags”
Ugh. A racist AND a homophone!
This is why rich-people marriage shouldn’t be legal in the US.
yeah but how else was Putin supposed to make a decision about all this? leaders need to be informed.
They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?
I personally am more pissed about the lazy, hate-filled, greedy, American pussies that vote for these shitsticks every god damned election.
That is incorrect, which is not a synonym for correct. Irregardless is not considered proper English.
“By the mid-19th century unique had developed a wider meaning, ‘not typical, unusual,’ and it is in this wider sense that it is compared: The foliage on the late-blooming plants is more unique than that on the earlier varieties. Such comparison, though criticized, is standard in all …
Yes, it’s that firm grasp of the English language that Boston suburbs are known for.
But “most pedantic” is correct, right?
Thank you for providing an example of why Boston has made the list.
I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?
i dont think those are highlights, i think its some sort of hat.
They wanted the original dog with attitude, but Cerberus would be a little pretentious for NFL fans. Sadly those LA fans don’t know what they want! That’s why they’re still L.A. fans! Cause they’re stupid!
Great headline for a logo with attitude.
the story is as good as winning the money,”
Next time you are hanging out with your buddies, trip one and kick the other in the balls. Then report back about who was more upset.
It’s probably been said before elsewhere, but I haven’t seen it here or in the non-gray comments; if they’re gonna rename the Chargers just call ‘em the Bolts. It’s already an unofficial nickname, they don’t need to change the sweet powder blue unis and logo, and the verb form of “bolt” is exactly what this franchise…