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    nintendo reconfirmed it and its easier to dev for so they fionish games faster its comin

    nintendo reconfirmed its coming its almost done

    switch is easier to port for

    cuz ppl demanded minecraft for wii u

    it makes sense nintendo doesnt want switch to be written off as a casual system and if 1 2 switch was packed in people would complain nintendo is forcing them to have a game they never wanted so nintendo made it optional

    and splatoon and xenoblade

    thank you

    they dont duplicate success of gimicks each innovation they have is to improve the experience of the games you dont know nintendo at all

    what lack of support its too early also its called NDAs also the devs said they are making more games which they nvr said for wii u they said later

    actually it has more games confirmed then wii u and nintendo is communicating and devs love the system the switch doesnt have vague promises again switch is getting games wii u wished they had also its fifa 18 a custom version

    these games are strategically planned if it was a launch game zelda would destroy it and canabalize it the games need room to breathe

    no it isnt because hten it would compete with zelda all the games need to breathe it teased that it would come it didnt tease it was a launch game hd rumble exclusive nintendo content portability

    region free

    there is 14 other games do indie games not count?

    quality over quantity kid it has 15 games

    its a dope remake with new content


    exactly its funny how droughts were peoples complaints and not they want everything too soon

    that was the wii us problem too many early releases and we got a drought nintendo is strategically releasing theme games with filler titles

    a game is a game it doesnt have to be new and most ppl didnt have a wii u and its completely a sequel added content and a new story why would the art style and feel change?