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    it has like 100 games its a a great year one

    inferior? portable HD rumble plus maybe nintendo exclusive content/dlc/deals that sounds superior if anything

    sd cards are a thing

    its cartridge based so unless u go digital the memory is irrelevant also memory is expandable

    you just need switch and a game

    you dont need all that just what comes with the base system the joycons will be fine for fighting games it didnt stop ps4 and fro shooters

    those are all optional you just need switch and games joycons is a perfect replacement for pro

    its not abysmal theres 20 games and quality over quantity

    switch is easy to develop for and it is capable enough

    a revised x1 so it could be like an x1.9

    skyrim is still undr nda so there could be exclusive nintendo content

    they got skyrim cuz nintendo went to them and said hey give us skyrim


    they have to be games that interest people they dont have to be new we could get ports as long as their good

    the steady stream is the smaller titles released along side the games

    actually wii u was different wii u lacked marketing and was given 30 games and a drought these games are strategically planned with filler indie titles

    nintendo gives devs fredom to do what they want who says it cant have mods and who says it isnt SE arms is an in depth game that has button control and isnt just wii boxing 2

    disgaea and i am setsuna are still recent we got skyrim cuz nintendo asked for skyrim and they are portable they are more superior also more releases for systems is more sales

    i am setsuna is launch