
I went out shopping today. And I will never go shopping on Black Friday ever again. Went to Fred Meyer. ZERO parking. Incredibly long lines. The store was overcrowded. Thank you, internet.

I like what Japan produces when it comes to "JAPAN Japan" stuff- JRPGs such as the Tales series, just a couple of animes, all the Studio Ghibli movies, anything Nintendo, and a couple other things I can't think of right now. But I am not, nor will I ever be, a Japanophile or weaboo. I absolutely hate it when I hear

I'm not sure, but I went to my local Gamestop yesterday to see what they charge for those 2 games brand new. Ratchet and Clank was still $60, and LittleBigPlanet 2 was around $40 or something. I certainly don't expect to sell them for those amounts on eBay, though. I'd probably just do a Buy It Now for both of them;

I didn't realize it was Sony providing the deal. For some reason I thought it was all the retailers haha. But it makes more sense for Sony to provide the the deal.

I had $125 in Gamestop giftcards I haven't used so I just went ahead and ordered the $200 PS3 bundle online. After everything's said and done, I essentially paid $100 for a new PS3 and 2 games. But I'm probably going to sell the 2 games on eBay. Weeeee

Gamestop is also doing the same PS3 bundle for $200. I've been waiting to buy a PS3 and I've been "stocking" up on Gamestop giftcards for the past who-knows-how-long. Hmm hmm hmm. I might have to try and pick one of these bundles up.

Why didn't they ever make the Galaxy S II for Verizon? Man, that would have been sweet.

Probably " the middle of a road..." blocking traffic.

I'm still too addicted to DirecTV to switch to less-expensive options. :(

Yeah, I got that too. That's why I didn't reply like everyone else heh.

I didn't know there were that many students there. Sure, I hope she's safe. But she likes to keep everyone updated on the issues on Facebook. I haven't heard from her yet.

Dang. One of my friends goes to Berkeley. Hmm.

PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE include Chrono Trigger events haha

Thanks for getting nose boogers all over my face. I just burst out laughing.

Hmm. This reminded me that I never received my gold award for this year. I want my 2012 calendar, darn it!

Hehe I was just about to say the same thing. I'm glad there are other people out there like me.

I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOVE Milk Duds. Which is why I rarely have them because I am helpless when there's one of those carton-things of them.

Do want. I want this to be my first smartphone. But I need to know the price first. I would not be surprised if it's $299.

Hahaha I kind of like this. Be cool if there was one where you can put out a virtual fire with your stream of justice.

I don't get how searching from Start in Windows 7 would be considered broken. I probably misunderstood something. But I just hit the Windows key and I start searching. And it never pauses when I type, but I assume that's because of my hardware, and not Windows. And I can type in the title of a folder I want and it