
Do want. Me hopes this will be my first smartphone. I've had the same dumbphone for almost 5 years now.

Hardly seems like a "beautiful thing to watch."

Hehe not long ago, I found out that my Nvidia graphics card was capable of 3D. I even have the option of the old red-cyan 3D so I bought a cheapo pair of red-cyan glasses on the interwebs. Can't wait to see if it really works or something.

If only it was Dropbox and I had a device with iOS :(

Haha I normally have just 4 tabs open, and leave Chrome open all day. I don't think I've ever had more than...20 tabs open at once. I don't think I could effectively use more than that without getting all confused as to what's where.

I am perfectly content with my i5-2500k. I don't do anything more "taxing" than converting video or some small-ish gaming, or watching HD video. And it never goes above 40C. At idle, running 9 tabs in Chrome, right now, it's running at 28C.

The 13.3 inch model has the same resolution as my 21 inch monitor.

Hahaha. I was sitting on the couch, watching the local news, eating a quesadilla, when the news said "Jobs is dead, yo!"

Darn. I'm surprised to see that "Seattle" is one of the lowest.

ಠ_ಠ I just tried this with the "Mail Checker Plus" extension I use. Clicked it > clicked "Compose new email," tried dragging a file into the new window, and it attached super-fast. This is uh...exciting.


That's why I won't watch this video late at night; I'd probably start crying. Have to watch it in the morning.

Hehehe. I chuckled at pig-nose Vader.

Ugh. I've said this on every other Maplestory-related article on Kotaku: I'm still waiting for this game to die off. And it doesn't look like that'll be any time soon :(

The only video game "decorations" I have are some Donkey Kong Country series posters, and some Earthbound-related posters. I have yet to frame them, but I will some day. I'm still waiting for the "Officially Licensed Donkey Kong Fathead."

Ugh. I'm STILL waiting for that stupid game to die off.

I don't care what anyone says: I LOVE Google. I will always be a Google fan. My Google fan-ship started with Chrome when it was first released. I loved Google from that point onward. And then Google sending me free stuff was just icing on the cake; an even better reason for me to love them. I will always be a Google

(This is just my personal experience) Well, where I'm located ("Seattle"), rain and clouds aren't really an issue anymore. When we first signed up for hd channels a couple years back, every time it was heavily-cloudy or it rained, only the hd channels would go out. But now when it rains, there might be a small hiccup

Amen to that. I absolutely LOVE DirecTV.

O_O Holy crap I'm jelly. I was wondering if you actually meant "MB" haha that's crazy!