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I was really expecting to see the dancing Redeads from Majora's Mask.

I just eat a spoonful or two of peanut butter. Problem solved.

Gaah. This is so disgusting. Blah blah blah too young. I think if your skin doesn't sag, you're too young.

After looking at the full size image...

I also made a Lego Mario a few months ago. I also did an 8bit mushroom.

I love Gary Oldman. He is one of my favorite actors of all time. And I loved watching him on last night's episode of Conan.

Should I root my Galaxy Nexus?

Now I don't know anything about Street Fighter, but is that Beemo as "Chun Li"? Did I get that right?

I got a Galaxy Nexus. The screen is fantastic, but I haven't seen a Galaxy SII's screen in person to compare.

This is my favorite.

They use the Sprint network as a backup when there is no wifi.

hehehehe as soon as I started reading this article, I immediately grabbed my calendar. Sure enough, it's spelled "NOBEMBER" on the little red and white 2012 calendar card.

My LG Env 2 has done what patent "'647" describes for YEARS. My LG Chocolate, before I got the Env 2, did the same thing, as well.

Oh wow I didn't think that the Vita's memory card was THAT small. Darn haha

A little off topic, but does anyone else think that some company out there will make a MicroSD to PSVita memory card adapter? And Sony will end up suing said company?


If I ever have kids, as soon as they are 3 years old (my age when I played my first video game: DKC for SNES when it came out) I will bust out the SNES and that will be their only game console for 2 or 3 years. Then introduce them to the NES, and so on and so forth.

One of my friends is in the Army and works on nukes. From what he tells me, it isn't all that bad.

I did the exact same thing as aiurx. As soon as I read "beepers" I immediately started searching for this reference. I love Hey Arnold.

I've never been out on Black Friday until today haha. Didn't even bother checking out the Walmart.