
When you use "MB" in uppercase like that, it means "megabytes." When it's something like "mbps" in lowercase, it's "megabits." You essentially said "25 megabytes per second" and that's where he came up with "250 megabits per second" even though 25 megabytes/second would really be 200mbps, not 250. I'm sure he was just

No, I did mine through Newegg. We have a Fry's where I am, but it's a 45 minute to an hour drive. I ended up having to send my motherboard back for a replacement because its SATA ports were semi-broken haha. That should come in tomorrow.

Incredible! Thank you for that website. I love that chart/list

Diddy is NOT Donkey's son. Try "nephew." But I find even that hard to believe. Diddy is just Donkey's best friend and sidekick. And according to this [] which I think is totally wrong, says that Cranky and Wrinkly are DK's parents. I always thought Cranky was DK's grandpa. And yes, I'll get all

So can we expect more Tales games if the employees are gonna start having more babies? That'd be neat. But really, I think this is pretty cool.

I'm glad I don't eat hot dogs regardless. Can't stand the taste. Makes me want to throw up.

The PS3 I want badly is the Tales of Xillia one. *Charlie Brown* AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!

My favorite video game of all time is Earthbound. #1. Of. All. Time. I say "game" because I haven't played Mother 1. And I tried to play Mother 3 on an emulator, but I quickly stopped because it felt wrong; "this is the kind of game that should be played on its official system." Man, I love Earthbound so much. Hmmmmm

Man, I so want to try that. That'd be so awesome

Those were pretty stupid and unfunny. The only one I barely chuckled at was Aeropostale.

I absolutely love that ಠ_ಠ

Excuse for writing this article after finding out what the world thinks of her now? "I was drunk."

Ever since I found out about the PNG file type 6-7 years ago, I have never saved any of my pictures/photos as a JPEG since.

Only a few days ago, I built my first desktop. I ended up spending around $890 after rebates. Ended up with an i5-2500k, p67 motherboard, 8gb 1600 RAM, 500gb seagate momentus XT, 1gb graphics card with SLI, $50 budget case, Windows 7 Home Premium Full, and a 650w psu. I can finally play games haha. TF2 runs perfectly

If this really does come out on Verizon, I wish to make this my first smartphone.

That IBM Simon is a touchscreen smartphone, though.

Pretty sure the iPhone wasn't around in 1992.

This is Gizmodo. They worship the guy.

Hmm. No wonder why my 5 year old Dell desktop sucks.

Dang. When I read "Giant Turtle Alien" and when I saw the picture of the building and its spiky-ness, and when I learned about how it will be something you can trek into, I immediately thought of this.