
Hahaha. After a quick search for "Kubaton" on Google, I finally know what that black stick is that my mom has had on her keys for like, 18 years. I've never even heard of a Kubaton until today.

I first found out about this approximately 2 hours after the BOCs sold out.

That Earthbound one is definitely my favorite. I love that game :D




Up here in Washington, my friend's family has an annual 4th of July party. My friend's dad is a salesman, so he usually haggles down the local Indian reservation sellers to like...25% of their original price. My friend always buys a few "the equivalent of half a stick of dynamite" and we always got sparkler bombs,

The only one I really find "appalling" is the first one. Most, if not all the rest, are just chain emails, right? Hardly "juicy."

I hadn't really thought about that. It does make sense, though. I wonder how well Xenoblade would do if it were released here in the US.

Sounds familiar. Oh yeah, Tales :( At least Bamco realized they have a decent fanbase and decided to localize Graces F and Abyss 3DS.

Give me this phone, but with Android and I will buy on day one.

Yes, it's ok.

I bought that Dell ST2010 last...September, and I'm using it right now. I don't really like it. 900 pixels tall is not tall enough. I wish I'd splurged for a bigger monitor. I would say it's good as a second monitor. Definitely not a primary monitor.

@jongiambi: Hmm very interesting. Thank you for that link!

Hmmm. Smartphone touchscreens. I'm still waiting for my Apple-hardware, Android-powered smartphone. Or "Android iPhone 4"- an iPhone 4 that runs Android. I think the size of the screen/device is perfect for me, but I don't want to commit to using iOS. Doubt this will happen, though. And that H2000 or whatever is

I don't read ಠ_ಠ

The determination in his eyes...

Awww it's kinda cute!