
That Daredevil one is definitely my favorite. Hilarious!

I'm ok with this; I don't think this is stupid like everyone else does. Iwata explained my exact thoughts as soon as I read the title: everyone, or mostly everyone, already has a dvd/blu-ray player and won't need another, especially when it'll lower the cost of the Wii U.

Same thing happened to me: saw "Tales of" and got excited :(

This seems very appropriate.

@willyolio: I was hoping you weren't starred so I could promote this until I realized you were starred, and I can see why :(

Sure it's a concept picture, but the fact that "x" and "y" should be switched bugs me.

At exactly 1:52 when the camera zooms on the blade, you can see it's in the wrong way.

Around 2:10, the sawblade is spinning in the opposite direction of how a sawblade should spin. Wonder if he tried it with the correct orientation and it didn't work as well.

I think it looks good, but as many others have mentioned, very pricey, but probably worth it if it really does last 'forever.' I don't really understand why "foods in cans" get a bad rap. I bet if this were the same product, but packaged in an air-tight, vacuumed plastic bag, it wouldn't get this bad of a rap.

Man, all of these are hilarious!

I can't get there through my Comcast connection, so I tried my Cr48's Verizon 3g. Same thing happened. Still won't work.

You've never heard of a tracer before?

I haven't been to oldnoise since "that day." I've been over at Yippayap. And I sorta kept up with oneguyiseating on my tumblr.

@cabjf: Please no! :(

By the looks of it, it has "shoulder buttons." But I don't think you can call those "shoulder buttons."

Hmmmm...I am indifferent.

Boy I sure am glad I got my hands on a copy of Earthbound some...9 years ago. My most favorite game ever.

Motion gaming is cute? What about the PS Move? Did he completely forget about it during this interview?