I’ve used the American systems. They’re cheap ancient Android tablets, probably EOLed for everything but this. People can tear a strip off their tinfoil hats and wrap it around the edge to cover the camera if they’re really so worried.
The obsession with every liberal being a supposed pedophile is telling, since the right is a master of projection.
You never know how much you appreciate a nice, competently done, earnest and not over the top National Anthem until you see something like this.
I was saying Boo-urns.
Should have checked first. My bad.
How can you tell. Have you ever seen them together?
Jesus, he looks old. That must mean...*looks in the mirror*...I’ve gotten old too...
Yo - it is COLOMBIA. Not Columbia. That happens frequently on this site and there’s honestly no excuse for it.
I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.
“Accusations of cultural appropriation have popped up”
Mmmm T Swift is fucked if Kacey keeps this up.
Even if it’s not a problem there, what if the gas in the tank lights on fire? I think it will create a supernova. That’s how they work.
No one wants to stare at those ugly uniforms for seven minutes.
Doesn’t it look like he signed Melania’s name too? It’s kind of like my nephew, who used to sign the name of everyone in his family (and the dog, with a pawprint, of course) on every card he sent. He was very excited about writing.
Thank you for this post, I think I understand this movie better. I walked out of TLJ hating it and I now realize it’s because it took a lot of classic Star Wars tropes and either threw them out or turned them on their head, for better or worse. It’s essentially the most un-Star Wars movie ever made. I’m gonna watch it…
I know we want to believe all victims, but I’m surprised that this is all based on complaints that were dismissed in both cases. I can absolutely believe that a guy would pursue complaints and a lawsuit out of anger. I had an unbelievably poor performer in my department who was dismissed for pure incompetence after…
“Well, she won’t touch you, sir. I mean, nobody will. Every kid we bring in here starts crying immediately and that eagle almost scalped you.”
And I don’t give a shit.