
Ohio only requires “Every motor vehicle...shall be equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the operator a view of the highway to the rear of such vehicle.” So that wouldn’t be a problem.


I speak French and picked up on that it was all opposite of what the subtitles said. Not remembering exactly what was said, I did some research

This article on the fax machine was really interesting.

*At least through 2004, and still the expected standard through 2009.

You can’t use the word “choice” with republicans. Period.

I'm VPNing into Canada and using the CBC Olympics app and get what seems to be every event stream with minimal commentary. It's great.

I can’t get my damn computer to stay connected to wifi. How am I supposed to expect that my car will be able to achieve and maintain a near-zero-lag wireless connection when it’s shuttling me at a mile a minute?

Just so you know, from the Powerball FAQ site:

I love how narrow the Beamer is, especially compared to the Tesla.

You can’t bring a Verizon phone to T-Mobile or AT&T

Why does Tyga always look like he has some sort of moderate abdominal pain that just won't go away?

You lost me at “copper cup”. Go take your IPA elsewhere. There are other kinds of beer.

Don’t make me find and post the “In theory…” screenshot from the Simpsons.

Conservatives might not be, but Republicans are.

From the reviews on Amazon, the AmazonBasics ones are just as good but significantly cheaper. I have Eneloops (the older kind, some are even blue) and I just ordered an 8-pack of the AB high-capacity ones, and will probably pick up the regular capacity AB ones if I need more. I’m not sure how long the Eneloops last

From the reviews on Amazon, the AmazonBasics ones are just as good but significantly cheaper. I have Eneloops (the

Fill the stands with bobbleheads.
30,000 Adam Jones bobbleheads as far as the eye can see.

Do check the ticket against the actual law, though.
I got a ticket a few years ago. I was coming off a cloverleaf merge and another car decided that he had to make the exit and cut me off in the right lane and I had to take evasive manoeuvers to avoid an accident and got into the middle lane where I was rear-ended

+1 for one of my favourite Futurama references.

Is Ballsacagawea still available as a Kinja name?