Millennials and gentrification: Gawker Media's war on...something.
Millennials and gentrification: Gawker Media's war on...something.
Google Drive used to be called Google Docs, the service's branding. They changed it a few years ago to reflect that you can use it as a cloud drive.
If your take-home wages (server wage+tips) are less than what you would have made if you had been making minimum wage, you can sue your employer and need to report them to the labor department.
Local wage laws vary, but in Massachusetts, as an example, bartenders can make as little as $2.63 per hour.
Global's source is TMZ. Multiple sources don't matter if they all reference the same source.
You get a forecast for today in text form:
"Sunny today. It's currently 12°; the high will be 23°."
Then it tells you your next appointment and how long it will take you to get there (if there's an address entered).
Then there's a calendar view with the next 5 hours. I've found this to be much more useful than the list…
But that didn't solve the problem of accessing them on the phone. Saying "Put them on your computer and organise them there" (then re-import them into the phone?) is not a solution. It's a workaround.
True. I had my first real experience the other day with trying to find a photo on my iOS 7 phone among the thousands I have and it was so much easier than before. Smart albums would take the cake though.
I didn't know that but that is kind of an important detail.
I'm going with Feedly. I use Reeder across all my devices and Feedly knows what I've read, my starred items, all that. I use Reeder for search so there's no problems there. Just waiting for Reeder to update and then I'll just switch my account and be fine since Feedly will be handling the RSS feeds starting the…
You are very wise.
I went to Korea last year for a week and with a 14-hour time difference I had no problems there or after I came back which I found shocking.
She had the same problem in Wallflower. Not sure in which order they filmed scenes for that movie but at the beginning of the movie her accent is a little rough then smooths out.
But I can't critique her for that. We accepted Lindsay Lohan's English accent.
And while there's no such thing as a "wrong" accent (we all…
For future reference, you only have a minute or two to edit and the edit button shows up after the last word in your post when you hover in the area.
These Top Gear stunts are getting out of hand.
Window scraper
Perhaps. But Verizon dumbphones (and many smartphones) don't have SIMs.
If you follow math laws that formula is incorrect. The original looks like a transitive relation when written that way. That says 20*13 equals 260+13 and 260+13 equals 273 ergo 20*13 equals 273. You're correct in his intent, but the way it was written is confusing.
We need to make them polymer banknotes. We can keep the same colours and designs (though a modern, updated $1 would be nice), but polymer notes is the way to go.