
Here, here!

That project was a good enterprise.

You hold the fort.

Valid point. I didn't phrase it right. I meant in the past. Ca. 2009, maybe?

In Québec I've heard text ("text") and texter ("to text") as well as SMS as a noun. I heard one girl say "SMSer" pronounced like "esemeser". But I've found that Québec's a mixed bag with pretty much everything.

I agree. Another point would be to look at a review and see if the person reviewing knows what they're talking about.

All my places synced.

Edit: I re-read your comment and misread a word or two. Apologies.

Google Maps spoke to me.

Yeah I agree, this is great for everyone. I'm sure somebody's in trouble at Best Buy but you can't go giving away $2000 minimum worth of iPads.

It's not state law; it's a federal law.

At least this isn't like the other story Consumerist ran about the woman who ordered something from Kohl's and how they sent her the same thing twice but only charged her for the one she originally ordered, then when she honestly reported it to them they charged her again.

I had one system where I had to set up security questions and they were easy questions: "Who is your best friend?" "Name of your cat?" Well the requirements for the answers to the security questions had to be minimum 5 characters and couldn't have repeating letters. Both cats that I've had in my life failed (one is 4

It's sad that so many people don't understand how things work, like laying a 2D image over 3D topography distorts the image when viewed at an angle.

It never worked for my sister. She could send messages to other GV users but not regular SMSs. It works fine for me, but after reading about the issue on Google fora trying to help her out and finding many other people with similar issues, I can't recommend GV to anybody for SMS to replace their current system.

Yeah I'm hating Apple's new search algorithm. I've tried to search for a few apps recently by name but had to give up because I couldn't find them.

I'll buy that logic. I like when all scenarios have the same outcomes. Just depends on the idiots behind you. Apparently AZDOT recommends pulling completely off the road with all lights off in a dust storm.

100 km/h in Quebec and Ontario. That's just over 60 mph. Too slow. In my experience, traffic usually does about 120 in rural areas. I'd accept 110 as a happy medium.

I have a question. When I was driving in Germany and Sweden a few months ago I noticed that when traffic got jammed and slowed down, all the vehicles put on their four-way flashers while slowing down to warn everyone behind them that something was happening ahead. Then they were turned off when they got to the slower