
My thought would be that if someone sees your vehicle they might think you're on the road and try to follow you, finding out the hard way that you're neither on the road nor moving. At least that's my take on it.

I think that's there because if I own a picture or video (or the like), they can't legally host it (make a copy, display it, etc) unless I (or the copyright owner) give them permission, which this term does. It's the only thing I could find on content rights this morning pre-coffee, but it says right there "You own

Probably this section:

Yes to the cable. I've done it before and haven't had any problems with MacBooks or Lenovos. As long as the brick accepts US voltages (99% do) then you're fine. The adapter you have doesn't convert the voltage, just the prongs; voltage is handled by the brick. I have an EU (also Korean) cable for my MacBook Pro

Yes. My phone's always on silence/vibrate. Softer cases almost eliminate this problem while still giving an alert. But not everyone likes a case. I use a case with a rubber lip to protect the screen from whatever's on the desk/table.

You mean all the time or only when you don't want? I'm pretty sure it lets you make that a setting.

Well that was sufficiently frightening.

Arg I had a gif, too.

I was going to say something like this, but you pretty much summed it up.


That's what I'd like to know, too. It hurts my brain a little trying to think about it. They have to have a concept of shapes and things they interact with; maybe some blind people are really good at making 3D reconstructions in their brains. I wonder if it's colour or black and white.

Probably hacked in and stole it from somebody else.

The "Risk of Direct Landfall" map you show looks to be older. The NHC's prevailing model shows it coming ashore around Ocean City, MD/Delaware Bay and heading up between Baltimore and Philadelphia, going through to Harrisburg.

Networks are constellations, computers are stars.

Nope, but raping students then covering it up is fine.

The point might have been to emphasise the amount of data being produced. I'd've gone up an order. "A thousand terabytes" would have been a better choice because it keeps them on the same plane of reference.

Try Target. Mine had a few. I haven't seen them at Best Buy or Walmart yet. Carrier stores should have one or two. Or eBay. There are a lot on eBay for comparable prices.

Yes. You get scanned, then you wait, and then the windowless room-guy radios back yes or no and if no where to focus on the subsequent patdown. If you're cleared that's when they tell you to move along.

Fortunately new standards in the FHWA's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices will help with this by placing a yellow "LEFT" note above the exit number. Unfortunately it'll be one of those "phased in as signs are replaced" things so it'll take a while to be everywhere. There are still lots of old signs out there

It looks like he's still got it, you can see the holder(?) around his neck. Maybe it'll be fixed in the future? A few things at a time I guess.