
I think the show would have been better if Ben hadn't died (another result of an idiot kid) and had been captured by the militia, and this story arc was to save him. Seems like it would have gotten Miles on board and much more invested in saving his brother and protecting the information he knows rather than trying

For food I usually tip $5 minimum and adjust up accordingly. So anything up to $25-30 usually gets a $5 tip. I don't have high expectations for orders and I'm pretty laid back with everything so if it's actually really bad service it's a dollar or two.

Anybody know how far away from the landing site he travelled (horizontally)?

Oh god this is happening.

The whole premise kind of makes me sad at the show.

I have put this on my to-do list. Thank you sir.

I found myself in the same boat. When I had my Droid (1 and 2), I found myself using my iPod Touch for most apps. I didn't have any good games on my Droid, and my iPod Touch and my iPad were my media consumption devices. Droid was texting and email, really.

Get Maps+. It's free with an in-app purchase that does something. It doesn't solve the problem but it works pretty well for me. The only thing I can't find how to do with it is traffic. So I use the Google Maps in Safari for that.

You can, but not from most of them.

TOTALLY FORGOT JGL was in Angels in the Outfield. Wow...

It is a period of civil war. Rebel bees, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Mars corporation.

I don't know…if Apple hadn't just redesigned and touted the iPod Touch, I'd agree with you. But the comparatively high costs of an iPod Touch don't make sense. I don't see them having both devices- 16GB 7" iPad and 32GB new iPod Touch- costing $299.

You could say those things out of any number of things that we use to keep us safe. Seat belts? Medical or car insurance?

"Welcome to Company X application! Login with Facebook to apply!"

It's sad that Facebook's both diluted and overstuffed the News Feed enough that people will have to pay to actually have anything seen.

1) Someone mentioned it might be easier/safer for issuing parking tickets (I'll toss up also checking parking passes or stickers). Maybe it was just a cheap purchase used from the Postal Service or a donation.

I don't know but it WAS red, then the green light came on. Apparently that was enough to mean "go".

A similar one to this has been posted already, but yeah this is the worst.

Picked one up at Target yesterday. They had a bunch more.

Now playing

Yep, because NOBODY in Europe has problems with roundabouts.