You're from Charlotte?
You're from Charlotte?
Uranus is big, blue, and on its side.
I knew how to do that on my Droid (which was awesome) but I'm still learning my way around the iPhone. Seems harder to download custom tones.
SIM cards were great before there was ubiquitous online syncing (a la Google). Still are if you don't have a smartphone. Keep your contacts. Switch to a new phone and take your contacts with you.
You can buy ringtones that are sounds.
My driver's license expired while I was out of town so I had to wait for a new one, so I still have an old one. Decoy wallet, here I come.
Someone should invent a shoe with a hidden compartment. I call patent pending on that.
IANAD but while legal, my common sense is tingling.
To each his own; I personally never used Swype, just didn't like it. My accuracy was terrible!
It's like something out of a Bond film!
My sister in Sweden has a great deal. She got a prepaid smartphone and a Telenor SIM, and she just has to buy about the equivalent of US$30 in credit and gets free data for 30 days. Most of her friends have Telenor and she gets free SMS and calls to them. So all she pays for are out-of-network calls and SMS and…
I get many of my weather alerts from my local Sheriff's office, via Twitter. And my County's set up an alert system for whatever you want- traffic, school closings, weather.
If it looked natural this would be great for my room. I live in a basement and haven't had windows since 2003. Even tiny ones around the ceiling that simulate those windows just above ground level would be great. The lair would feel so much brighter.
They don't need a warrant to hear you talking, but they need one to wire your house.
They said it would be exclusive to the 4S. Boom, done.
Funniest thing I've seen all day. Awesome.
I heard that of that highway between NC and CA, Arkansas is the worst.
Well, we know that after two months it was a warehouse. For two months who knows? (Office chair races, anyone?)
University of British Columbia, with a U, not an O. Come on. #corrections
Guns don't kill people; fans kill guns.