
$1.1/GB isn't THAT bad since I'm looking for around 500GB SSD. Prices are coming down. By this time next year they'll be probably down to 90c/GB.

Someone was impressed (on Engadget, maybe?) because they spoke to the phone and said "question mark smiley face" and it showed up as "? :-)" My Froyo phone did that!

The way I see it there are really two options for getting photos off the iPhone.

I used iPhoto for about two days when I got my Mac in 2009, but I'd used Picasa on my Windows before then, and switched back. I didn't really open iPhoto again until yesterday. Had issues "upgrading" the iPhoto database so I created a new database and now use iPhoto only for Photo Stream and Picasa for everything

Me too. Server overload. After everyone gets their novelty fill, demand will die down and normal usage will allow it to work properly all the time. I'll expect it to not work at all this coming weekend as the second round of pre-ordered iphone 4s's get delivered.

I synced my Mac to my gmail account, mainly because I had an android phone and that worked. I got an iPhone Friday and I don't NEED to do that now, but I still do, because I use both web-based Gmail and Gmail in


Then they should call it something different, so people don't compare it to Total Recall. Of course, then people say "it's like Total Recall!" No winning.

Meanwhile, the number of fatalities resulting from people not being able to call 9-1-1 rises :D

My CFLs in the bathroom are pretty much worthless. I have 2 CFLs, an LED bulb, and an incandescent (it's a 4-bulb vanity lighting). If I had to rely on the CFLs alone, I'd have a very dark, slightly-purple bathroom for about 5-10 minutes.

This just seems like an excuse to watch it at work.

I would love to, but odds are I'll end up changing a few and it's just too much upkeep.

Keira Knightley or Alec Baldwin.

Too big to fail? Yeah because regulators care about that.

Thank you. Google is of course filled with mixed answers. Another reason a Giz article would be great.

Apparently Verizon won't unlock the 850/1900 GSM bands, only the 900/1800 bands. That's fine if you leave North America and that's no problem, but does anyone know if they ever have, or does travel to Canada require you to always use Verizon's extended network? Could I still use it on Bell (CDMA) if it's unlocked?

Spotify or Pandora would probably need to be on about 24 hours/day to do that.

"I've yet to see one in public!"

Boner's a 16 year old girl? Oh, right...
