It's actually a reputable, reliable news source. Actually quite a good read.
It's actually a reputable, reliable news source. Actually quite a good read.
No, some schools. My high school had buses, but we were suburban/rural, everyone outside of 1 mile from the school could be bussed if they chose to. We also don't have public transit. Attendance was "I'm here." No barbed wire/security.
Update? Dream on, my friend. My Droid 2 Global was promised Gingerbread. It is sad still today.
So, a waste of time and money?
Hehe, 10,000 insertions.
My friend started law school last year and is focusing on IP. We joked with him about how boring it would be.
You shouldn't be but I applaud you anyway.
"Ash" sounds like "Ass" but we still use it as a colour. Nice ass-coloured car!
It'll automatically find wrestling training videos.
step4 - ???
I wouldn't worry too much. If the space station's built anything like their toys, buildings, and trains, the thing will fall apart soon.
As a 24-year-old with a bad knee, how do you know I'm totally healthy? The Metro is a terrible place for me to have to stand for long periods.
I think being involved with and supporting the local SPCA is a much better option than these a-hats.
This is great unless the phone you're moving to has different setting options than the phone you're coming from, à la Droid 1 to Droid 2 Global. I can't actually mute my ringer on D2G and have it JUST vibrate.
I don't think the lesson is "don't buy tools on Amazon" but rather "Don't blindly buy tools on Amazon." Go to Lowe's or Home Depot and look at what you want, then head over to Amazon.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Haha, 512MB memory card for $150. Good old days.
Yeah but that's not the point. The point is complete misunderstanding (or just completely ignoring the facts).
I like it. It has a place, definitely.