"Camera phone"?
"Camera phone"?
Thank you, this is useful to me.
So it'll be a poorly-made ripoff "HELO-COPTOR".
I hate the slim volume buttons on the sloped edge (like the iPod's). It's so hard to use them. I hope the volume buttons are at least on a flat edge.
Well, a portion of the article is covered up by the Facebook box. Thanks, Giz!
And they deserve it (the back pay). Working for the government shouldn't be a gamble.
Rules of downtown DC: No bicycles on the sidewalk and they must follow the rules of the road (one-way roads, traffic signals, etc). I was almost run over twice last week by bicyclists on the sidewalk going down the wrong way on a one-way street.
I said this on Gizmodo earlier, but the Pentagon can't even protect their data; ISPs will basically become buffets of information.
I refer you to their bullet trains.
Can I get a cut of the profits?
Ok the whole House didn't pass it, just one of the panels.
I don't really "get" the problem in the first place.
The pics are gorgeous.
I haven't had Launchpad in my dock since Day 1, even after I've restarted, which with Lion has been a LOT.
I just think about all the people who have trouble driving in two dimensions, let alone three...
Flying cars will never be practical until they can fly themselves.
Embassy hours adjusted for time zones: 8:30pm EDT-5:00am EDT / 5:30pm PDT-2:00am PDT