
Scientists will just increase the speed of light in 2208.

"You don't compare a Phone Camera to a professional camera, do you?"

My thought is "ONLY 437 gallons?"

I stopped using the "messages" system, since when I send messages to multiple people, they end up disappearing. So, back to emails for that.

When you turn it on...the S-Foils get locked in the attack position?

Second. Saving

I'll be the nerd here.

It's up: new stuff ahoy!

I learned how to brake properly when I was about 8 and I was going too fast on a bike trail, fell off, and skinned my leg up good. I was with my father. I learned real quickly how to brake effectively.

"" made me think "sock" was missing part of the k.

Haha! That's funny.

I'm just pointing out the flaws of playing semantics with the word "personal" with a PC. It's like "personal checking" versus "business checking".

"Cheap as Chimps" just came to mind.

I thought that was pretty cool, too.

If my company owns the computer, it's not a 'personal' computer. What is it then?

If you're using a regular mouse, it appears you'll need to have a hotcorner enabled for Mission Control or use CTRL+arrows.

My clock next to my TV is about 6 minutes slow and it does that every few months. Weird.

What happened was people at first were like "Well, this is pretty cool; it's different" because it was still an early beta. Now it's like "Really? You're going to leave that that way? Ok..."

I hate a lot about Lion.