Wow! Amazing. ❤️ Where on your body did it hit you? No burn marl or anything? It hit my friend on the top of her head because she was wearing metal 🎧
Wow! Amazing. ❤️ Where on your body did it hit you? No burn marl or anything? It hit my friend on the top of her head because she was wearing metal 🎧
I can’t spell. I should hide
Spirit Airlines has my vote. Although they don’t beaut of passengers. Every flight of theirs is a special treat
So sorry for your friend. One of my friends was hit by lightning while out for a run and died on the spot. It is unbelievable and assholes laugh when you tell them. I was afraid of lightening for a long time afterwards.
I walked my dog this morning without looking at news or phone, saw the ash and thought, ah hell no don’t be nuclear fallout from n korea’
Me too! I am channeling Dorothy Parker & you are all missing out.
The Seattle Times comments section makes me crazy too. It’s not worth responding to their commenters. I love your name.
I feel the same way about the headline articles. I visit jez to read new stories, not scroll through old ones!
Boo hiss. More cheap clothes to hurt our environment and kill small business. Amazon 🤢
I want the sleeping bag because at this point nothing surprises me 😳
Good for Texas. This nurse was a hero, calmly trying to do her job. She deserves a commendation.
He was the original Aaron Burr but has been doing a lot of film & TV work for the past year.
I can’t look at a tampon without seeing charles’ face. Yikes.
She breastfed her dragons? Hmm don’t tell my dog or she will be mad.
Yah, Travis 🤣🤣🤣. What I wanted to say was maybe more likely to be shot than on NPR. 😳 but I didn’t want the very fine people on the other side to attack me.
Stay safe ❤️🌻
You can be mildly upset. “White dude”was on NPR within days speaking of his mistreatment.
Kind of awful 🤣👍
The BEST people