Bobbi Bee Burner

Exactly. She is gross. It’s ok to wear glasses! Unless the reason the kids have to wear glasses is that she sprayed some of her peroxide in his face!

What is a hot pot? If you link to amazon I will purchase.

She is gorgeous and I guess her lips are bright red naturally.

What is cheerwine

Their mommies

I have an old bf that sent me a private message on Facebook saying his was going to be in my city this summer. It’s been over a decade. I declined his FB request and didn’t answer his message. Yuck!

I think you should get out. That’s not healthy. You deserve better. Life is short. Good luck ❤️🌻

Prostitutes? LOL


Lewk 🙄

I heard this too & think it is true.

BTW this was not some misfortune that overtook her. This was her CHOICE. She CHOSE to make a career expounding gross political views, she CHOSE to have unprotected sex with a vile dude, and she CHOSE to have a kid. No sympathy. She needs to GO AWAY.

They are super gross people for sure but just ignore for our sanity & the baby’s future.

Beautiful. Thanks for posting this. I am glad he thinks we can still bring about change. 🌻❤️

DIY Pasties. Or make a hipster glitter globe (think snow globe) in a mansion jar. You could throw in a crystal or 2 to make it GOOPy.

You made me cry happy tears. Thank you for sharing your gift with others. Bless you ❤️🌻

Thanks for covering this. A ray f sunshine during a bleak week 🌻

I like your Mom ❤️

You tawk fine 😂😂😂. Her voice is spooky.

I see an alien bearing bouquets 💐