I actually am on edge the entire time when I visitthe Oregon Coast. THANK YOU beloved New Yorker ❤️
I actually am on edge the entire time when I visitthe Oregon Coast. THANK YOU beloved New Yorker ❤️
Nice one 😜
As if he doesn’t have other things to worry about 🤡
Sad for her daughter.
Sorry 😂
That’s where the garden burger “meat” comes from
I thought her death was sketchy. Lots of drugs
I had no idea LeBron works for a predatory lender.
I am so sorry. I am glad your friend was good to you. I just can’t even with these people & am sorry you had to. I am skipping my HS reunion because even if just 30% of my class supports trump (guessing) I don’t want to be around them.
Can you see what she is eating?
I read that as trump’s DOJ Civil Rights PRICK. Happy 4th of July America!!!
One of my best friends recently got fat injections in her face and now she is squinty eyed like Melania. She was gorgeous before & now looks plastic. I have been supportive but don’t even know what to say. She is successful in every part of her life but still thinks she needs to do that. Waaa!
Sir is a little too Mr. T 😜
The Zillow complaint is legit, but the way Zillow acted was embarrassing.
EVERY male dog that tries to mount my mutt is the UGLIEST DOG IN THE WORLD and I hate them & their owners if they don’t even try to get their damn dog away from mine.
For SHAME Mr. Kennedy! There’s an enormous body of evidence proving that’s not true, including a 2014 meta-analysis that looked at studies involving over one million children.
And all the pussies!!!
Lie much Vanni? I think Jez should stop covering her. She is trash.
Beautiful article. Prince was the man/woman ❤️