Bobbi Bee Burner

Does the top hat guy say indoubtably

The one on the right Bruce Jenner

Clown snake!

Surely the sexiest qualities in a man are bravery and courage. Sexiness in a man is showing strength. Having convictions and having the courage to stand by them.” HIDING WITH HIS CAT IS THE MOST SEXY PAMMY, listen to your sister Ellie!

I enjoyed Hike! Even though it is a little freaky

I love you Joanna but this headline/idea made me vomit inside MY OWN mouth

Because he can.

Me same & my kids are bad brushers but got their dads good saliva/no cavities mouth. Hope yours do too

CoCo McCON sounds better 😜

Hi 🀚 looks tiny 😜

Sorry this happens. It sucks. I hope you get 99 good customers for every Mombie (I love that term btw). 🌻

He’s sure to make a lot of friends with that comment

You .gif made me πŸ˜‚

If he had an eye lift he could be hot. I think if you got him wasted he could be fun. And he is 6 foot 8. 😳

Commenting on MCCains questioning today is not ageism. I agree with you.

That is a great photo. Look how young Barry was ❀️

Comedy Mom would be proud.

He should step aside. I have never been a fan and will never forgive him for introducing Sarah Palin to the world but I feel sorry for his family. Watching someone you loves mental decline is heartbreaking.