
Gene's reach often exceeds his grasp.

They aren't always my favorites, but these trilogy stories give the show's creators the chance to venture into directions that the basic premise of the show wouldn't allow. Nobody in Bob's Burgers is going into space or commanding a submarine, but nothing is stopping any of them from fantasizing about it. Along those

The puppeteers making the alien's arms and hands work and gesture was brilliant.

"Wait…what's Caligula?"

Rudy looks sharp in a Sheriff's hat!

Yeah, Andy was brilliant as Mr. Lindenson, who seemed to have a hard time pronouncing his own name ("Lindinsen…Lindanson…"). He was just as over-the-top as Teddy.


I think that Larry is all-in on Bob's Burgers, while Andy Kindler may not be. Larry has been part of most of the live shows around the country (including here in Minneapolis a couple years ago YAY!), While Andy has been doing other things. I would like to believe it's just a commitment thing: Andy has his own thing,

"I love this woman!"

…or get popular, then look out! Fortunately, that is not going to happen.

Right there with ya, Bob.

He has a garage and fantasizes about keeping bikes, etc. for imaginary kids. That pretty much says it all about Teddy.

"Wanna talk about the face?"

…and Linda, of course, makes that wonderful retch upon hearing about it!

Dennis Perkins has noted numerous times that the downfall of The Simpsons is that the writers/producers have stopped caring about character integrity. Of course that's a pretty tall order when you have a series (including shorts) 30 years old. But I believe that the crew running Bob's Burgers has character integrity

I think this episode pretty much made up for how horrible Linda was to Tina in "The Grand Mama-Pest Hotel". She's the cool mom again!

Yeah, but could you imagine Teddy in your life? As fictional characters go, Teddy is quite fully realized as a fascinating case study of a guy who has absolutely NOTHING in his life but his tenuous grasp on Bob and his family as the only thing close to an actual human relationship. It's a credit to the writers that

Totally agree!!

This outing brought Teddy dangerously close to crossing into just plain obnoxiousness with his desperate need to be needed, right from the beginning when Lyn failed to call and tell him she got the bake sale, right on through to his "helping" Bob with the burger rush. He needs to back it down a notch or two.

…and what's a "World According to Garp LARP?"
"First he said GARP, then he said GOOD, then he died…"