
Sadly, no sign of Brendon in this one: music by Elegant Too, songs by Tim Darcy…and of course Loren Bouchard always sticks close by whenever there's music…


I liked the Teddy B-story much better than the A-story:
"Can I bother you for your least favorite plastic receptical and a smidge of privacy?"
"You may have us confused with kids who know things or do stuff."

I totally agree. I'd have figured Gene would be in heaven at such a show, not cowering in his seat, begging to go home.

There were an awful lot of Queen guitar riffs in there, too. It was Prog Rock Nite on Bob's Burgers.

Any appearance by Todd Barry is an automatic upgrade, and Wyatt Cenac is a pure bonus!

Smells like Otto's jacket!

Where is he???

"Let 'em go to their little Ronco or Shake-an-Egg. They'll come crawling back!"

I agree. Season 1 has its hiccups, but I'd put "Art Crawl" up with the best of any season. I will say that it helps a lot to be a fan of the creators' prior work, ("Dr. Katz" and "Home Movies") and that goes for The Simpsons ("Life in Hell"), and MST3k (Joel's prop-comic stand-up). I hated the Tracy Ullman Simpsons

So did we. I noticed they were using the Paas egg dying kit—possible shout-out to Patton Oswalt?

"…You have no idea what I've just been through!"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you both look like Nicholas Cage right now."

Surly only looks after one guy…Surly

RIP Phil Hartman, especially as Sinatra!

"The Oh, Con-Pear Burger." Hmmmm. Kind of a thinker…

"You and your mouthy wife!"

Oooh. You look just like your picture!

"Is there a medic here?"
"There's a mortician…"

I liked the aquarium story a lot, too, but I was really impressed with the beautiful animation of the jellyfish: really beautiful, especially the color. Each week BB's attention to detail just floors me. I also got a kick out of poor Flanley's visceral wounds on his arms and neck after his plunge into the jellyfish