
I wondered the same thing. I mean it's kinda like a museum, and so there would at least be the possibility to apply for non-profit status, which I realize probably isn't exactly the same as tax-exempt, but would at least relieve some of the burden. C'mon. To midwestern tourists like me, a tank full of jellyfish would

….also Hugo and Ron!

Bob's poses at the booth, talking to the customers looked literally uncomfortable. Amazing in a cartoon! Charm is not his strong-suit. World-weary sarcasm is his wheelhouse, as well as, presumably, making great burgers. I've noted at least two times they actually grind their own meat for their burgers. Who does that?

I totally agree. KotH was never my favorite show, but I always appreciated the attention to detail, and the consistency of the characters. I also think Peggy went deeper up her own ass with each season. Linda (with the glaring exception of last week's show) started out unlikable to many people, but grew and developed

Perfect example of how Loren Bouchard gets the best from his actors by just letting them go. He DID almost say the F-word. The character had to censor himself, because he's an instructor talking to a kid. Brilliant!

I understand, and I agree—the best movies combine all elements into a satisfying whole. But some great movies rely more on cinematography and motion rather than narrative to tell their stories, like "2001: A Space Odyssey." It is still debated what it's supposed to mean, but here we are, talking about it now, and it's

So why waste time watching movies at all? Just read plot summaries.

Old has-been stage actress meets young ingenue.
Old actress mentors young ingenue.
Young ingenue plots to usurp old actress's fame & fortune.
Old actress concedes with runner-up prize of a husband.
Young ingenue succeeds, then meets presumably the next younger ingenue in line.
Repeat ad infinitum.

Well….almost dating one. The Fox was the woman.

I'm still crazy in love with Laura from "Dr. Katz," and so I'd like to hear more of her on this show, regardless of her role.

I agree, and while Mother-daughter-razor-laser emphasized Lyn's attempts to get closer to Louise, they showed plenty of examples where Louise resisted her mom, in favor of her dad. This one felt unsubstantiated because Tina has never shown any resistance to either her mom or her dad, and all Linda had to do was back

Excellent analogy!

The "clog-dance" was one of my favorite end credit bits.

So…'re hot for Linda??

Linda's pinnacle was truly "Purple Rain-Union". I would also like to see more Mort. Teddy's an anchor to the show, so why not put a little more Mort into the mix?

I agree. Linda (along with Bob) are models of taking people as they are, including their children.

There has never been an episode of Bob's Burgers I have disliked more than this one. It's one thing for Linda to be the fun mom, even the slightly crazy mom, but when Tina gets dragged into her madness, against her will, and while she's trying to do what she should be, bonding with another freaky kid, I lose my

To quote Linda: Awwwriiiightttt!

greatest frenetic animation ever!

Don't feed a guy a Faulkner, Bob! Don't feed a guy a Faulkner!