
I hope that's the one they submit for Emmy nomination. It certainly deserves something, but then again I was really pulling for "The Horse Rider-er" last year. I guess you never know…

Don't forget Chuck Charles: "Bob's Stupid Black Garlic Burger."

Get it off! Get it off!

Gayle and Linda's relationship is so fascinating, at once antagonistic and supportive. Linda always seems to be simultaneously encouraging and containing her sister, at least until their sibling rivalry breaks out, then it's just brilliant: "My cat was right about you!"

I liked the call-back to the uter-bag from "Mother Daughter Laser Razor".

It seems their antagonism started with "Art Crawl," when they so strenuously objected to Gayle's anus paintings. Then it became a thing with Bob, culminating with him painting anuses on everything in their store. Since then, they've functioned mostly as a Greek chorus ("Violence!" "Nude!" etc.)

oh, ugh.

I'll take a bonus ep no matter what the reason or the season

Yeah, Tina definitely has a hair-trigger temper which makes her more dangerous than Louise if you piss her off…like her threat to punch Jocelyn again, and again, and again, and again…

I'd love to see BB's take on Father's Day. You know Teddy would need to get in on some of that action…

Somebody at the school notified them a video of the kids' play was available online, but Lyn decided not to watch it, preferring the kids' rendition of their own performances: a very sweet ending!

Sadly, it's out of the realm of ordinary sit-com scheduling. But maybe someday they will consider it—after all, it's not like they don't have extra episodes somehwere down the pipe that they can put into that place.

Yeah, besides her obnoxious sneezing (which really does need to be dealt with by the family), it's nothing to do with her. Give it a shake. You'll like it….

Jebus! If this is all the reaction this show generates, then it truly is on the downswing of its life.

Freaky-Fried-Aliens. How can you not love that??

I, too, was impressed with their ability to neatly sequence the show with commercial breaks, not in the spots you'd expect, but at the height of each story arch. Brilliant!

…and for better or worse, Courtney gets Gene and vice-versa.

Liked Marge's new do…

Are you being sarcastic, dude?
I don't even know anymore…

"Dad, I have as much respect for you as I ever did, or ever will."
—many seasons ago….