
I noticed Gene made another Ken [albino improvised hip-hop friend that Bob says is imaginary] reference. I do hope a. he's real and that b. we'll get to see who he is at some point. I think this is the third or fourth reference he's made to Ken so far…

I had a Milk Bone or two when I was a kid. Kind of like a meat-flavored graham cracker.

Kevin Meaney, RIP. One of Dr. Katz's best "patients!"

I would guess it might be similar to Patton Oswalt's cameo as the Moody Foodie: purposely written as a one-off gig because there was mutual interest in his appearing on the show, but no desire for a recurring or long-range commitment. As with that one, I'm glad that John Oliver made at least one appearance on my

Gayle show next week, so you never know….

I agree. I think it's more likely a matter of availability and, perhaps popularity of the character, not just with us, but with the writers. There are plenty of stories out there about how moody H. Jon Benjamin is, and he's practically in every scene.

True. No doubt more than one heart has been changed by a kiss and a slap!

I thought RSR made it pretty clear he is NOT attracted to Louise, and his attention to Chloe seemed sincere to me (EVERYBODY acknowledges how good she smells). While this nit probably wouldn't make a difference to Louise, it certainly complicates things if it's ever going any further than this.

If they've been keeping a regular production schedule, they must have a ton of eps in the can, ready to go whenever. I hope, at the very least, we get to see them all before the show goes away…

"Hey! Whazzza big idea?" —P-S Rudy's only line.

Truly Oprah-esque!

Lobsterfest = springtime

I liked "The Bart"

Can we PLEASE flash forward to a reality where Lisa is president?? Please?

I know, right?

Sam Seder is an old school squiggle-vision veteran, and second only to Jon Benjamin as one of Loren Bouchard's go-to guys. He's always willing to do whatever for the laugh. even be hateable. Watch a few episodes of "Lucy, Daughter of the Devil" and you'll see… He's hatable, but loveable all at the same time.

Don't feed a guy a horse, Bob.

"The episode has fun from the outset playing around with that fact, as
first we get the sight of Hugo and Ron shaving Bob’s chest with chili
sauce and using a child’s toy as the wire, only then for Bob to lean
ever so gingerly on the fourth wall and point out that there’s no way
this is something they ought to be

I am at least encouraged that Fox (at least in the Central Time Zone) doesn't schedule BB on a double-header afternoon. That shows a bit more respect than they gave to those poor shows who may or may not have had time before The Simpsons on a double-header night.