
Fort Night if only for the introduction of Millie, who has to be in the top five of all-time greatest guest characters.

I love Goth Tina!

Like with the Simpsons, as the show becomes more popular, more celebs will do it for the work (except, perhaps Tom Selleck, who should be shamed into doing an episode just by the weight of fans! Let's hear it, people!!

I absolutely love the idea of a toy store that keeps emergency hours! My childhood would have been sooo much better with such a thing!

Open up your butt cheeks/this is how our butts speak!

"I'm real! I'm real! I'm real! Irrreeeeaaaalll!….waaaaah!"

…and most of his are chemically induced.

….and at least as good a dancer a J. Ju!

I dated a woman in college who was a horse trainer, and though she didn't do teen horse camps, so many of the details were spot on, including her attempts to get me and the horse to like each other (we did NOT!) There is history in the Bob's Burgers writers pool, no question about it.

Speaking of McGuirk references, anyone notice Bob saying to Teddy about the fryer: "Fix it yourself!" which calls back to: "You want it clean? Clean it yourself! Clean it yourself! And I have not spoken to my mother since."

I've noticed it before, but couldn't identify it. Has kind of a South Park feel…

"A horse is a horse of course of course. I'm contractually obligated to say that. If it's a reference, I don't recognize it."

Once more I have to say how incredibly detailed, and downright beautiful the animation on this show is: that whole fantasy sequence, shot, of course in "Lawrence of Arabia" letterbox, was just magnificent. Bernard Derriman is an amazing animator!

My first thought about the fryer was just that: why not chips? What burger joint ANYWHERE does not have chips?

Yeah, it was almost sad to see Tina galloping around the ring, except for the encouragement of her family.

"My ideal woman is my mother, actually, who I hate."

I have to give another shout-out to this show's incredible attention to detail, and even though it's a cartoon, how faithful it remains to real life, which, when seen through that lens is magical!


I'd love to see a throw-down between those two! As Coach McGurk said, "Ever seen two dorks fight? It's hilarious!"

It was like the moment he first saw Marilyn, the manitee puppet!