
@Stem_Sell: I prefer Chef Tony's Miracle Blades...perfect for all of your mid-air pineapple chopping needs!


@jmurph05: I think that was the intent, but it might've been worded better. Farther from 0 = worse.

@King Antonius: *#06# is the standard for getting an IMEI across GSM handsets; it's one of the few universal ones.

@Live N Learn: When I read this at first, I thought to myself, what does Jesus (as in Christ) have to do with this?

@Billybird: Oh, wait, this is the part where they take his kidney, right??

@FriedPeeps: I don't know if I should laugh, or facepalm.

@ripfire: And there goes the beer on my monitor.

@Stingers: It would have been hilarious if, following him changing his name, the team changed his number. Hell, they should still do it.

@TheSpoonyBard: The huge block made me shudder...the way the fingers just flopped like little flaps of meat...ugh..

@trs: Pretty much...wherever Positive and Negative meet, WHAM-POW lightning. All depends on polarity of the clouds, the ground, and the air in between. I'd guess that, at some points, a bolt could possibly start somewhere between, and go both ways...but it's hard to say without a good video, it all happens in less

@LordObento: My thoughts exactly. I was always mediocre at this game, until I played it in the Game Room on my 360.

If only I could have been there with tin-foil, a cylindrical box and helmet (complete with antenna) and an asian girl with a pink tracksuit...I would have had a Proposition Infinty something-or-other going on.

@Fractal the Meek: You has theft the commercial by some carrier—think it was ATT or Verizon—that mocked Sprint/Nextel Push-to-Talk phones for being hulking monstrosities.

@tylerbrainerd: Some distance between the antenna on the device (presuming it's toward the end, which is the only way the size of these things makes sense to begin with) than right next to the system; EMI from the PC could cause some problems in communication, particularly in coverage that isn't real spectacular to

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Good thing you held onto it...if the beer dropped, you might have undone those few micrometers in the long run...what a shame that would have been.