
Or, it could be that people really don't care about Golf much...?

@Panzercat: "You're kidding, right? They've rolled 1d20 for every dodge they could and tried to get other companies to tank the issue for them. Even failing that, the entire attitude they assumed in passing out rubbers was "What problem? But here's a case if it makes you feel any better." "

11AM Pacific, but only 1PM Eastern?

@hawkeye18: *insert obligatory over 9000 statement here*

@Hilo: You've described something akin to the making of alcohol here; mankind pretty much have that down to an art form.

@The5thElephant: The neighborhood is safe, the fly was on the ceiling. Lrrr, Emperor of Omicron Persei Eight, however, is going to be a little peeved.

@AlienSix: Then they simply won't work.

@SeventhExile Speaks: " If you were one of the first to buy the phone and realize there was a problem - you can return it with in 30 days free of charge. "

What, the cake is also a lie, and I hallucinated the damned spoon?

@tomsomething: Crazy stuff that no one the late-night infomercials?