Better to be a little late in this life than early to the next.
Better to be a little late in this life than early to the next.
I will never own one, never, but I saw and heard one once and it was incredible. Every petrol head has a moment like that. It doesn't matter what it costs its about 'it', it's about why I read this site - cars, shit ones, fast ones, Top 10's (Nr 5 hahahahaha) and then there's yet another Mustang, but the…
And the most priceless add on for any BMW owner the licence to shit in the street and carve up everyone else and for a limited time only executive use of the overtaking lane at a speed of your choosing just as long as its an inch from my bumper.
Number 5 - hahahahahahahahahaha, still laughing.
There is no need for that kind of thing!! A disgrace! Everyone knows a mirror on your shoe is much less expensive.
What about that Sharkskin BM (spits on floor and tastes sick in back of mouth)W thingy? Why the need for body panels if a frame can handle the stress's and strains? Why use Glass windows?
Having been dragged back here to once again cast my eye over that battle royale 8C V Granturismo, I read the posters comments and in responce to the "these cars capture the classic feminine qualities that have encouraged owners to refer to their cars as "she."" I will just say that the Cadilac is a fat ugly bitch that…
Anyone in a BMW.
Cadillac - hahahahahahahahahaha, no wait, hahahahahahahaha, no really, hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Not the top 10 I would have chosen but you can't make everyone happy.....
So Aston Martins all look the same. I agree, they all look beautiful.
I think you have to stand up for your rights in every event, and dont give me that crap about the small local business, they are by far the worst.
@TKWarrior: Yep give it to the Stig, just once, 3 laps even, I need to know.
Very sad day for the motor industry.
@badco/LoJ: Welcome to the wonderful world of the 150.00+VAT gear box oil change. That said I love my DSG, click click bye.
@MR42HH: Yes folks thats 10 different prick carrying, prick driven versions for you to hate people.
1st came the parking ticket then came the wheel clamp now there a new weapon in the traffic cops arsenal.
OKOKOK, I give UP which site is this again? As far as I can see it's got F**k all to do with Cars and a lot to do with a bunch of wan*ers spending an obscene amount of money of self promotion just so they can take you to the F**king cleaners when they do finally get into that funny shaped office.
Shes got some balconies on her, what a beaut.