Mind you, all this hyperbolic information is coming out of one very power-mad socialist girl with knowledge on par with that of a high school freshman, and no one able to corroborate her tales.
Mind you, all this hyperbolic information is coming out of one very power-mad socialist girl with knowledge on par with that of a high school freshman, and no one able to corroborate her tales.
I’m getting a Jussie vibe from this story. Seems so outrageously over the top that it’s hard to believe.
His take is the correct take.
“How many dead kids do we have to show them before they cave to our shitty policies??!!!?!!”
This. Why would they pick an openly gay man as the grand marshall of their “straight pride” parade?
This article doesn’t call it out well but they were getting into arguments on the patterns for the pink pussy hats/F*ck Trump scarves and Make America Great Again stuff.
But in calling them Concentration camps they have to come to grips of the Japanese internment under FDR as a “bad thing”. Of course they can hand-wave it as FDR being a “product of his time”, his contemporaries being Hitler and Stalin.
Right. It’s weird, like really weird, how the progressive wing insists on using certain language that seems almost designed to cause controversy which naturally distracts from the point they were ostensibly making. It’s oddly intentional-feeling.
So the Holocaust Museum is now required to follow DNC talking points?
At that point it’s no longer ‘news’ so much as an ‘opinion piece.’
About as many as Obama did when websites like Splinter’s predecessor weren’t reporting on it.
Sounds like the mother is guilty of child endangerment.
The goal is open borders and a complete subversion of America by global interests including, but not limited to, global corporations... silently. This has been going on for decades at a measured pace. They understand that you can only boil a frog slowly, so that’s what they’ve been doing. This means they can’t call…
I’m not really offended by a white person wanting to preserve a white majority. And if you were for the end of apartheid in africa (the idea that africans should rule an african nation because of their african-ness, nevermind all but like 2 ethnicities migrated there after dutch settlement), you arent either.
President Trump tweeted out a terrifying message on Monday night threatening that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency would begin making mass arrests of undocumented immigrants across the country “next week.”
labeled an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center
“The vast majority of them have no criminal record.” --Except for, you know, circumventing the law to be in a foreign country illegally. Further, the people who are targeted on this supposed crackdown have been warned repeatedly.
He opposes Putin on Venezuela.
This is just a giant cope and the cognitive dissonance of the lprog eft in full display. The nominal “anti-capitalist” wing cannot seem to confront the fact that giant multi-national corporations endorse and enforce left wing social values.
Where can I get my gender non-specific wallpaper?