
One of my pet peeves is the excessive use of pedophile. Moore is an alleged hebophile or ephebophile, interested in early or late post pubescent adolescents.

Occupy happened under Obama, and it was indeed used for that.

Blaming him for everything does seem to be a trend. Give him lumps when he deserves it and credit when he deserves that is my thoughts.

My mother also cooks stuffing separate, apparently back in the 70s or something there was talk about cross contamination with cooking stuffing inside a raw bird and it not getting hot enough and making people sick.

Didn’t NYC police do the same during occupy?

You know Trump is hated by the gop, right?

Direct transfers will not work in the long run.

I’m not sure you want to start violence. Large chunks of the police and military are right wing and would happily crush an attempted left wing revolution.

The comments section is full of angry people who aren’t involved in procurement and don’t understand how it works.

I for one like it when my media companies have a hidden bias. /s

This is the point where the old internet would be shouting about the Streisand effect.

Its a variation of the Dobler-Dahmer theory.

Headline next year (and last year actually)

Good point.

I despise good feeling nothings.

You know Ratner will be paid off to give up his stake, right? So he will still make a bunch of money.

Did she not sign one of those multi picture deals in hear so much about?

So, Lincoln should have committed genocide?

I grew up in the early 80s and we didn’t have participation trophies. Just because it predates you doesn’t mean it always was.

What I’m reading here is that you all drank your own kool-aid about the horrible Trump, and have been trying to use every thin example as full proof of the worst thing ever. Leading to ever higher levels of stress as you anticipate personal impacts.