
Nobody loses the benefit of the doubt in a nation ruled by law.

No, I’m saying this kind of thing happened under Obama and you didn’t hear about it. It would have happened under Hillary as well, you still wouldn’t have heard about it.

Angel Adams approves of this idea.

You don’t hire randos for line work. At least not if you like them.

Would you like to leave?

Yes, imagine these same things happening but not making headlines.

Just to be clear, removal from a nation you have no legal right to be in, you consider that punishment?

We are.

How about “talk doesn’t include hitting windshields OR shooting at people”

>Cars should have more than 1 reverse gear

And the guarantor of the rest.

5 internet points says he is buying up all their prison space up to punish the sanctuary cities.

Suicides often tie their hands to make sure they don’t change their mind and stop themselves. Your attempt to manufacture a threat is false.

>appear to have been created by a group that calls itself “Fascist Solutions.”

Bump stocks are not a 2nd amendment issue. This is a toy, not a militia use item.

Anyone who skins a dog alive should be beaten until they are incapable of producing intelligible human speech.

The first amendment has never protected false statements.

Chlorine bleach is a good emergency water sanitizer. Just a few drops per gallon iirc.

Listen to the first part of the video, all the cops and the rent a cops are on board with this unlawful arrest before it goes down. Maybe not with the level of force used, but she did run.