
The Ceph are coming!

The 4200 is integrated...AMD and nVidia have a lot of integrated gfx chipsets.

What the hell is with all the Vista hate? Vista was a good OS. It just didn't "work", because at launch no one (OEMs) bothered paying attention to something called "system requirements" and hardware vendors didn't feel like updating their drivers, even when they were told by Microsoft that Vista would not provide

Discrete GPUs? WHERE WHERE? All I see are Intel GMA HD 3000 and AMD Radeon HD 4200.

Then exactly how powerful is it compared to my GTX 460 rig? An XBOX is about 1/12 of my computer. So exactly 0.0083%?

In what world?

Ehh where is Crysis 2 on this list?

To max it at 1080p you need a GTX 480 for 35 FPS.

Too bad the device in the picture is an iPhone.

1.9 is a Mandatory Update. The DX11 and high res textures are an optional external download. Updates will still come on Steam.

No it's from this really old article satirizing PC Gamers and how they'll bitch about small things. The numbers are fake.


Well we can't exactly be sure yet. both games look fantastic in their own right. We'll compare when BF3 is released. From the screenshots Crytek has shown, we definitely won't see tesselation on that exntent in BF3.

Why is this a bad game?

No Cry-Adam said it would be free.

Can people PLEASE start playing this game again? Since Patch 1.8 95% of the hackers are gone, and now we have shiny graphics and balanced weapons as well. It annoys me seeing only 20 people playing on North America servers.

Well of course they failed. They used CPU cores. Who uses CPUs any more? So 2007. Maybe if they used GPUs and the magical power of nVidia CUDA, they would have done this in an hour.

Well at least we know this game has shitty AI.


I'll use Android when HTC and Samsung can give me timely updates instead of delaying them 8 months eery time or cancelling them all together.